After reading Tan Vinh's Dining Deals in Friday's NW Ticket & Movie Times, I stumbled on this article from Koi Fusion, , for those of you who went to the last Mobile Chowdown, they were one of the guests from PDX. And as you might know Portland has a very large "cart" food culture.
Is Taco Gringos the start a trend up here in Seattle? The surplus of vacant commercial real estate might work in the favor of some very creative food trends that can find a willing audience here in Seattle. For those that follow food, you know doubt have heard of Chef Ludo Lefebvre from the Los Angeles food scene. He has been doing his LudoBites and will be using this guerillia style "pop up" restaurant events to fuel his passion for getting his spin on food to the lucky few that are passionate about their food.
Let's hope there is more to follow here in Seattle, no telling who might want to test the waters, expand their repertoire or just go out and have some fun.
P.S. I can't wait to give Turpin and Pitts' tacos a try.
Nice to find another Seattle food-blogger. Nice blog.
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